Revive naturallakes, rivers and more.

Breathing new life intowater bodies with

Breathing new life intoFloating Garden

Restore the beauty and vitality of natural resources like lakes, rivers, and ponds with the power of nature-based technology.
Teaming up with our partners

Urban and agricultural activities pollute many lakes

Urban and agricultural activitiespollutes natural resources

Urban and agricultural waste is released into natural lakes, rivers, and ponds. Government reports indicate that approximately 1.5 billion litres of untreated sewage are discharged into the Ganga daily. Untreated sewage entering water bodies introduces harmful pathogens, nutrients, and pollutants, which degrade water quality, threaten aquatic ecosystems, and endanger public health.
The state of surface water bodies in India


million litres of wastewater is discharged into these water bodies


Urban sewage is untreated.


Urban sewage is treated.

An urgent need to vital?

Why restoration is restore water bodies

According to the Central Pollution Control Board, in 2020–21, urban areas in India generated 72,368 million litres of sewage daily. However, only 31,841 million litres could be treated, leaving the rest to pollute lakes, rivers, and other water bodies. Restoring these water bodies improves water quality, reduces pollution, and boosts ecological health. Floating Gardens aid in this restoration by enhancing water quality and promoting biodiversity.

Protect ecosystems

Restoration with Floating Garden boosts water quality, restores habitats, and enhances biodiversity, promoting healthy ecosystems.

Flood control

Healthy lakes and wetlands absorb excess water during heavy rains, reducing the risk of floods in surrounding areas.

Climate resilience

Restored lakes, rivers, and ecosystems improve resilience to climate change effects like increased temperatures and extreme weather conditions.

Improve water quality

Restoration helps tackle pollution from urban runoff, agriculture, industry, and sewage.

Adaptability and scalability

Floating gardens can be adapted and scaled to different environments, making them versatile for various water bodies

Habitat creation

These gardens provide habitats for aquatic organisms, promoting biodiversity and aiding in pollutant breakdown
The transformational effects of Floating Gardens in a Lakes, Rivers & Ponds in Bengaluru.

How do Floating Gardens improve lakes and rivers?


Natural Filtration

FTWs act as natural purifiers and pollutants. They use plants and microorganisms to break down organic matter, remove excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and degrade contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides, improving water quality.

Algal Control

Floating Gardens also help control algal blooms by absorbing phosphorus and creating shade that prevents algae from growing, reducing the risks of oxygen depletion, fish kills, and much more.

Aquatic Oasis

In addition to creating valuable habitats for fish, amphibians, insects, and birds, the roots of floating plants provide attachment sites for algae. Helping in enhancing biodiversity and supporting ecosystem recovery.

Community Champions

FTWs offer a chance for community involvement in environmental restoration and fostering local engagement, pride, and awareness of water resources.

Scenic Revivers

They also beautify polluted lakes and rivers by adding greenery and natural elements to the water surface.
We’re on a mission to accelerate the restoration of India’s water bodies, and we’ve been doing this for over 8 years.
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How can Floating Garden revive lakes and rivers?


Organic filters

Floating Garden act as natural filters that soak up nutrients, heavy metals and pesticides, thereby improving water quality.

Reduce algal blooms

Floating Gardens also help control algal blooms. The plants absorb phosphorus and create shade that prevents algae from growing. They thus reduce the risks of oxygen depletion, fish kills, and much more.

Habitat for species

In addition to creating valuable habitats for fish, amphibians, insects, and birds, the roots of plants in Floating Gardens provide attachment sites for microbes.

Engage the community

Floating Garden offers a chance for community engagement in environmental restoration. This helps in fostering local involvement, pride, and awareness about water conservation.

Boosting aesthetic value

Floating Garden beautify polluted lakes and rivers by adding greenery and natural elements to the water surface.
We’re on a mission to accelerate the restoration of India’s water bodies, and we’ve been doing this for over 8 years.
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Need help restoring water bodies in your city?

Need help restoring water bodies in your city?

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