Enhancing the efficiency lakes, rivers and more.

Restored STPsof wastewater treatment

Integrating Floating Garden at various stages in sewage treatment is a highly efficient, inexpensive and sustainable method of wastewater management.
Teaming up with our partners

Malfunctioning STPs pose a risk to

water bodies

It is estimated that about 70% to 80% of the pollution load in Indian water bodies is caused by inadequately treated sewage from malfunctioning STPs.
The current state of sewage treatment plants in India


STPs in India suffer from inadequate maintenance and insufficient capacity.


STPs face issues with power cuts, unskilled labour, and operate below their capacity.


STPs do not comply with prescribed norms for wastewater treatment.

Challenges and water woes

The true cost of India's concerns in traditional

The true cost of India's sewage treatment

India faces a clean water crisis due to malfunctioning sewage treatment plants. Inadequate sewage treatment has resulted in severe water pollution in urban and rural areas. From this rise the health risks of waterborne diseases and environmental damage like eutrophication and biodiversity loss. If left untreated, this issue undermines agriculture and fisheries, impacts the economy, and drives up the cost of delivering safe water.

Ageing infrastructure

Many sewage treatment plants are outdated and do not comply with prescribed norms for water treatment. They are not equipped to handle the growing sewage from expanding urban areas.

Operational issues

Poor maintenance, untrained staff, and frequent power cuts result in efficient operation of existing STPs.

Insufficient funds

Low budgets for building and maintaining sewage treatment plants leave them struggling to meet their needs and improve their facilities.

Inconsistent regulation

While environmental regulations exist, they are enforced inconsistently. Weak regulations and monitoring of plant performance lead to ongoing inefficiencies and pollution.

Adaptability and scalability

Floating gardens can be adapted and scaled to different environments, making them versatile for various water bodies

Habitat creation

These gardens provide habitats for aquatic organisms, promoting biodiversity and aiding in pollutant breakdown

Integrating our nature-based Our Urban Landscape

Merging Floating Gardens into solutions with sewage treatment

Floating Gardens can improve sewage treatment by complementing traditional methods. Integrating them at various stages boosts efficiency, reduces costs, and promotes sustainable wastewater management.

Install Floating Gardens in Sedimentation Tanks

Plants in Floating Gardens can effectively capture and filter out suspended solids and particulates from wastewater.

Pre-treat Wastewater

Before the wastewater reaches the primary treatment units, they pass through a Floating Garden patch. Plant roots act as pre-filters that can capture large debris, reducing the burden on primary clarifiers.

Pre-Treatment Zone

Prior to reaching the primary treatment units, wastewater can flow through a floating garden section that pre-filters large debris, thereby easing the burden on primary clarifiers.


The plants in floating gardens release oxygen through their roots, aiding aerobic bacteria in secondary treatment and enhancing BOD reduction.

Nutrient Removal

Floating Gardens excel at removing excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from treated wastewater, helping to combat eutrophication. Plants with high nutrient uptake, such as water hyacinths, can be utilized.

Polishing Ponds

Floating gardens can be added to polishing ponds or lagoons to further purify effluent before discharge, enhancing water quality through filtration and absorption by the plants.

Hybrid Systems

Combining Floating Gardens with Ecocords creates a hybrid system that boosts water purification by adding vertical plant surfaces for enhanced microbial activity and nutrient uptake.

Flow Control

Strategically placing Floating Gardens helps manage wastewater flow, improving retention times and treatment efficiency.

Final Polishing

Floating Gardens can enhance the final polishing stage by removing remaining contaminants, improving the effluent's quality for reuse or safe discharge.

Irrigation Water

Effluent treated through Floating Gardens is further purified and oxygenated, making it safer for agricultural irrigation or landscaping.

Benefits of cleaning sewage treatment plants


Natural Filtration

FTWs act as natural purifiers and pollutants. They use plants and microorganisms to break down organic matter, remove excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and degrade contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides, improving water quality.

Algal Control

Floating Gardens also help control algal blooms by absorbing phosphorus and creating shade that prevents algae from growing, reducing the risks of oxygen depletion, fish kills, and much more.

Aquatic Oasis

In addition to creating valuable habitats for fish, amphibians, insects, and birds, the roots of floating plants provide attachment sites for algae. Helping in enhancing biodiversity and supporting ecosystem recovery.

Community Champions

FTWs offer a chance for community involvement in environmental restoration and fostering local engagement, pride, and awareness of water resources.

Scenic Revivers

They also beautify polluted lakes and rivers by adding greenery and natural elements to the water surface.
We’re on a mission to accelerate the restoration of India’s water bodies, and we’ve been doing this for over 8 years.
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How can Floating Garden help in sewage treatment plants?


Get rid of pollutants faster

Floating Gardens boost the elimination of nutrients, heavy metals, and organic pollutants from wastewater by utilizing phytoremediation and microbial processes occurring on plant roots.

Low on price, high on sustainability

Floating Garden offers an affordable and eco-friendly solution for wastewater treatment. It needs minimal energy and upkeep compared to traditional methods.

Encourages biodiversity

Floating Gardens create hotspots for various aquatic species and good microbes, thereby boosting biodiversity and improving ecological health in the treatment area.

Improves water quality

Floating Gardens remove contaminants through physical filters and biological methods to effectively clean water bodies. This makes the treated water safer for discharge or reuse.

Reduces sewage stench

Plants and their associated microbial communities help reduce the odours commonly found in sewage treatment facilities.
We’re on a mission to accelerate the restoration of India’s water bodies, and we’ve been doing this for over 8 years.
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